Taeki5 Knitwrist With Leather


The Taeki5 knit wrist with leather glove has a leather patch on the palm and finger areas. The knit wrist with leather glove is a medium duty that has a seamless construction liner and allows for air circulation that provides comfort and fit, and keeps the hands dry and comfortable. The leather patch of the knit wrist with leather glove has a high durability and resistance to snatch, tears, cuts and heat protection and a strong grip on oily conditions. The knitted wrist is colour coded and the knit wrist with leather glove is ideal for handling sheet metal, glass, and automotive and assembling industries.

Other related safety clothing and equipment:

*  Safety Clothing
Safety Footwear
Ear protection
Protective eye wear

Please contact us for Taeki5 Knit wrist With Leather glove prices and available sizes.

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