Full Body Harness Double Lanyard Scaffold Hooks Waist Belt


Fall protection personal protective equipment (PPE) full body harness that has a double lanyard with scaffolding hooks and waist belt.

The full body harness with double lanyard, scaffolding hooks and waist belt are used for vertical construction projects, roof construction and maintenance, tree felling fall protection and any high risk area as required by the OHS act. The double hooks give added protection and stability should the person slip. The full body harness with double lanyard, scaffolding hooks and waist belt is used in conjunction with:

* Gloves
* Protective boots
* Protective clothing
* Protective eye-wear
* Head / hardhat protection

For a quote on full body harness with scaffolding hooks and waist belt contact us

SKU: H-DL-SCAFF-BELT Category: Tags: ,
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